NAAC-SSR 2019                                                                                                               IQAC


Extended Profile


          3.3 Number of sanctioned posts yearwise during last five years.

          4.1 Number of eligible applications received for admissions to all the programs year-wise during the last five years

         4.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI or State Govt rule year-wise during the last five years


         DVV Clarification


                              2.4 Re-evaluation Detail

                              3.4 Stock Entry and Invoices of Computers

                              3.3 Few photos of Classrooms

                             3.5 Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during the last five years ( INR in Lakhs)


Criterion I: Curricular Aspects

      1.1.2 BOS or Academic council minutes of programmes where syllabus revision was carried out during last five years

                            01 Applied Mathematics

                               02 Arabic

                               03 B.A. Arabic

                               04 B.E.( evening) Civil Engineering

                               05 B.E.( evening) Electrical Engineering

                               06 BBA

                               07 Biotechnology

                               08 Botany

                               09 BTECH Civil Engineering

                               10 BTECH Computer Science Engineering

                               11 BTECH Electrical Engineering

                               12 BTECH Electronics and Communication Engineering

                               13 BTECH Information Technology Engineering

                               14 Computer Science

                               15 Diploma civil Engineering

                               16 Diploma Electrical Engineering

                               17 Diploma Electronics and Communication Engineering

                               18 Diploma Food and Beverages

                               19 Diploma Front Office

                               20 Diploma House Keeping

                               21 Diploma Mechanical Engineering

                               22 Diploma Travel and Tourism

                               23 Economics

                               24 Education

                               25 English

                               26 Information Technology

                               27 Islamic Studies

                               28 M. Phil. Botany

                               29 M. Phil. Zoology

                               30 M.Phil English

                               31 M.Phil Mathematics

                               32 M.Phil. Information Technology

                               33 M.Phil. Arabic

                               34 M.Phil. Biotechnology

                               35 M.Phil. Computer Sciences

                              36 M.Phil. Economics

                              37 M.Phil. Education

                              38 M.Phil. Management

                              39 Mathematics(Evening)

                              40 Mathematics

                              41 MBA

                              42 MBAHTM

                              43 MCA

                              44 Ph.D Mathematics

                              45 PhD Arabic

                              46 PhD Biotechnology

                              47 PhD Botany

                              48 PhD Computer Science

                              49 PhD Economics

                              50 PhD Education

                              51 PhD Electrical Engineering

                              52 PhD English

                              53 PhD Information Technology

                              54 PhD Islamic Studies

                              55 PhD Management

                              56 PhD Urdu

                              57 PhD Zoology

                              58 Physics

                              59 Urdu

                              60 Zoology


          1.1.3 (A) Syllabus of courses having focus on employability or entrepreneurship or skill development during last five years

           1.1.3 (B) BOS of courses having focus on employability or entrepreneurship or skill development during last five years


         1.2.1 BOS of new courses introduced during last five years


                              01 Biotechnology

                              02 Botany

                              03 BTECH Civil Engineering

                              04 BTECH Electronics and Communication Engineering

                              05 Diploma Travel and Tourism

                              06 Economics

                              07 M.Phil Economics

                              08 M.Phil English

                              09 M.Phil Education

                              10 Ph.D Computer Science

                              11 Ph.D Economic

                              12 Ph.D Education

                              13 Ph.D Electrical Engineering

                              14 Ph.D English

                              15 Physics

                              16 Applied Mathematics

                              17 Arabic

                              18 BBA

                              19 BTECH Information Technology Engineering

                              20 Education

                              21 English

                              22 Information Technology

                              23 Islamic Studies

                              24 M. Phil Mathematics

                              25 Mathematics

                              26 Mathematics(evening)

                              27 MBA

                              28 MBAHTM

                              29 PhD Islamicstudies

                              30 PhD Mathematics

                              31 PhD Urdu

                              32 Urdu

                              33 Zoology

        1.3.2 Number of Value-Added Courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last five years


        1.3.4 Percentage of students undertaking field projects


                              01 Biotechnology

                              02 Botany

                              03 Education

                              04 Information Technology

                              05 MCA

                              06 Zoology

                              07 Arabic

                              08 BTECH Civil Engineering

                              09 BTECH CSE

                              10 BTECH ECE

                              11 BTECH ERE

                              12 BTECH ITE

                              13 MBA

                              14 MBAHTM


           1.4.1(A) Action taken report of the University on feedback report

           1.4.1(B) Structured feedback report from stakeholders


           1. DVV Clarification


                              1.1.3 Revised Template 

                              1.1.3 Syllabus Courses having focus on Employability Entrepreneurship Skill development  

                              1.2.2 Course Structure of programs in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) or elective is offered

                              1.3.2 Brochures or course content of value added courses

                              1.3.2 Course Structure Combined of UG PG and diploma programmes

                              1.3.3 Attendance. 

                             1.3.3 Value Added Courses  

                    Number of students enrolled in value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered year-wise during the last five years  

                             1.3.3 Certificates of students in value added courses  

                             1.3.3 List of students in value added courses 


Criterion-II: Teaching-learning and Evaluation


           2.2.3 Disability Certificates Differently Abled Students


           2.2.3 Disability Certificates Differently Abled Students

          2.4.4 e-copies of award letters

          2.5.5 Examination Manual

          2.6.1 COs for all courses (exemplars from Glossary)


          2. DVV Clarification


                             2.1.3 Reservation Policy approved by State Government  

                            2.1.3 Initial reservation of seats for admission category wise 

                             2.3.3 Mentor Mentee

                             2.4.3 Appointments Orders of Full Time Teachers.

                             2.5.1 Final 

                             2.5.1 Average Number of Days from the date of Last Semester-end year- end examination till the declaration of results during the last five years 

                             2.5.2 Minutes of relevant body 

                             2.5.2 List of students applied for revaluation certified by Registrar Controller of Examinations. 


Criterion-III: Research, Innovations and Extension


          3.1.4 JRF SRF PDF Reserach associate other associate Enrollment

          3.1.5 University Facilities GeoTagged Pictures and Videos

          3.4.2 e- copies of the letters of awards

          3.6.2 Number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government recognised bodies during the last five years

          3.6.3 Number of extension and outreach programs

          3.6.4 Reports

          3.7.1 No of Collaborative Activties With Institutions Industries

          3.7.2 e-copies of linkage related Document with industries or institutions

          3.7.3 No. of Functional MOUs


          3. DVV Clarification


                             3.1.1 Minutes of the Governing Council related to research promotion policy adoption

                             3.1.5 Instrumentation Facility II Photos

                             3.2.2 Grants for Research Projects sponsored by the Government Sources during the last five years

                             3.2.2 Grants for Research Projects sponsored by the Government Sources during the last five years

                    Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the government sources year-wise during the last five years(INR in Lakhs)

                             3.3.4 Start up Registration proofs and other details  

                             3.3.4 Facilities Extended by the Institution to the Company, duly authorised by Competent Authority

                             3.3.4 Startups Revised Data Template

                             3.4.1 Promotion of Academic Integrity and prevention of plagiarism executive council approvalion of plagiarism executive council approval  

                             3.4.4 Number of Ph.Ds awarded per teacher during last five years  

                             3.4.4 Guideship letters

                             3.4.6 Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes, Books published, and Papers in National, International Conference Proceedings per Teacher during the last five years

                             3.4.6 2014 Book, Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings Proofs  

                             3.4.6 2015 Book, Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings Proofs  

                             3.4.6 2016 Book, Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings Proofs  

                             3.4.6 2017 Book, Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings Proofs  

                             3.4.6 2018 Book, Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings Proofs  

                             3.4.6 Revised template  

                             3.5.1 Council approval  

                             3.6.4 List of students participating in each of the programs conducted year-wise, authenticated by the competent authority  



3.4.6. 2014 Book, Book Chapters & Conferenc Proceedings Proofs

Criterion-IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources


          4.1.3 Geo Tagged photos of ICT Classrooms

          4.1.4 Audited utilization statements for Budget allocation for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

         4.3.4 Photographs of Facilities for e-content development such as Media Centre, Recording facility, Lecture Capturing System (LCS)


          4. DVV Clarification


                            4.2.6 Log Book Entry of Library for Five Random Days  


Criterion-V: Student Support and Progression


         5.1.1. Students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government during the last five years

        5.1.3 Capability Enhancement and Development Schemes

        5.1.4. Average percentage of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the last five years

       5.2.1 Average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years

       5.2.3. Average percentage of students qualifying in state national international level examinations during the last five years

          5. DVV Clarification


                            5.1.1 Updated Template

                            5.1.1 Government Sanction letters of scholarships and number of beneficiaries in each year

                            5.1.3 Revised Data Template

                   Guidance for competitive examinations

                   Career Counselling and Soft skill development

                   Language Lab

                   Yoga and Meditation

                   Personal Counselling

                   Remedial Coaching

                            5.2.1 Appointment Orders of 30 students for the 2017-18

                            5.2.2 Proofs of Number of Students progressing to Higher Education

                            5.2.2 Revised Data Template, Number of Students Progressing to Higher Education

                            5.3.1 Number of Award Medals for outstanding performance in Sports, Cultural activities at National International level

                            5.3.1 Number of Award Medals for outstanding performance in Sports, Cultural activities at National International level


Criterion-VI: Governance, Leadership and Management


          6.2.3 Implementation of e governence in areas of operation planning and development adminstration finance and accounts student admission and supports examination options

          6.3.2 Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies

         6.3.3 Average number of professional development adminstrative training programs organised by the university for teaching and non teachinf staff

        6.3.4 IQAC Report Summary 

         6.4.2 Funds grants recieved from non governmet bodies individuals philonthrophers

         6.5.4 Quality assurences initiatives of the institution include regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurence Cell timely submission of annual quality assurence report to NAAC feedback


          6. DVV Clarification


                              6.3.2 E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers

                             6.3.2 Policy document on providing financial support to teachers

                             6.3.2 List of teachers receiving financial support year-wise under each head

                             6.3.2 Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee for professional bodies


                               6.3.4 List of teachers attending professional development programmes

                              6.3.4 Teachers attending professional development programmes

                     Total number of teachers attending professional development programs yearwise

                             6.3.4 Certificates of Teachers attending professional development programmes

                             6.5.3 Supplementary Proofs

                             6.5.3 Revised Template

                             6.5.4 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution

                             6.5.4 Academic audits


Criterion-VII: Institutional Values and Best Practicesand Best Practices


        7.1.1 Gender equity promotion Programmes

        7.1.3 Renewable energy maintenance bills

        7.1.10 & 7.1.11 compiled all

        7.1.12 Report on Student Attributes Facilitated by BGSBU (additional Information)

        7.1.13 Geo tagged photos of display of core values

        7.1.14 Report of Activities conducted to increase concsciousness about national identities and symbols

        7.1.15 Course on Human ethics

        7.1.17 Reports Green Audit Report Expenditure on Green Initiatives

        7.1.9 Differently abled Friendeness


          7. DVV Clarification


                           7.1.14 Reports

                             7.1.17 Reports




         NAAC SSR-2019